Honest. Advocate: James Haitchwai

James Haitchwai


James Haitchwai is a photographer, mixed-media artist, musician and writer. "Jack of all trades, master of none," as he likes to put it.

A product of Washington DC's punk scene, he approaches his photography with a do-it-yourself ethos. It is his firm belief that trial and error and a willingness to learn from one's mistakes are the best ways to develop as an artist.


James uses manual film cameras exclusively. His favorites are a Pentax K1000 and a Nikon FM3A with a broken light meter.
Kodak Portra and Tmax and drugstore color Fujifilm are his go-to films.
James prefers the simplicity and immediacy of this format over digital. He finds that without the option of digitally tweaking pictures later on, he experiences a more direct connection with his subjects.


These pictures were taken while aimlessly wandering around DC and Baltimore, MD 2013-2015. They are good examples of his spontaneous, instinctual approach to photography. 

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